Creative ways to use event photography to promote your company

Work and corporate events are great ways to promote your business. They’re perfect for showing off new products, meeting new suppliers and networking in general. They can also be a lot of fun — especially if you’re celebrating something.

But the opportunities from events don’t stop when the event ends. If you’ve hired an event photographer to catch all the best moments, there’s loads you can do with the photos. A lot of the time, event photos end up getting tucked away in a folder and forgotten.

But why let those great shots go to waste?

Event photos are a goldmine of content that can help promote your company to prospective clients, potential employees and the world in general. We’ve put together some of the best ways you can use your event photos to boost your company’s visibility, engagement and reputation.

Let’s dive in.

Featured image by London-based event photographer Robin Niedojadlo

1. Share event photos with your followers on social media

Corporate & Event & Portrait PhotographerSharing your event photos on social media might seem like a pretty obvious way to promote your brand, but it’s not a one-and-done deal. Social media is all about visuals, and event photos are perfect for creating a bit of buzz and engagement.

After the event, share your event photos on your social media channels and encourage people who attended to share them on their stories—maybe even tag them in the photos. But don’t throw everything at the wall all at once. Share a select number of photos and save the rest for later.

Good event photographers take a range of photos at events, from the more staged group photos to behind-the-scenes and candid shots. Regularly posting a mix of your event photos lets you keep your content fresh and gives followers (new and old) an insight into your brand.

2. Update the photos on your website

Documentary Event Photographer London Outside Us Or Canada
Sharing event photos like this one by Gabriel Niedojadlo on your website helps keep your web content fresh and interested to visitors.

Again, this is nothing revolutionary but using your event photos on your website can really help to promote your brand. Your website is one of your key platforms for showcasing what’s brilliant about your company and it’s the perfect place to show off your events and achievements.

After the event, update your website with event photos and maybe create dedicated galleries for event photos. It’s also worth reviewing the key pages on your site and seeing if you can replace any of the existing photos with new ones from your event.

Adding event photos to your website not only keeps it fresh but also gives potential clients and partners a chance to see what your brand is all about. For example, if you’ve just had a charity event, shout about it. It’s a great way to build credibility and show what makes your brand special.

3. Use your event photography in your newsletter

Corporate Event Portrait Photographer
Candid event shots like this one by Irina Zakharova are great to share with your customers in newsletters as they show people having a genuinely good time at your event.

One thing that many businesses struggle with is keeping newsletter content fresh. Most companies focus on deals and offers to promote sales, but sharing company news can be a great way to engage customers and get them invested in your company.

Including event photos in your newsletters not only makes them more visually appealing and exciting, but also lets you showcase your company culture and highlight special moments, whether it’s a team-building activity, a product launch, or a community event. This gives your readers a behind-the-scenes look at what makes your company unique.

4. Add your event photos to your physical marketing materials

Event & Portrait Photographer Kensington and Chelsea London
Adding event photos like this one by Charlotte Cumming to physical marketing materials can make your brand appear more trustworthy and stand out in your industry.

Physical marketing materials might not be as popular as they once were but loads of companies still use them in some form or another. Depending on your industry, you can use them in brochures, flyers and even on billboard ads to add a personal touch and make them more engaging.

They’re also perfect for digital marketing materials like presentations. Whether it’s a pitch to potential clients or an internal meeting, visuals from your events can make a lasting impression — especially if the photos were taken by a professional event photographer.

5. Boost your PR efforts

Event & Headshot Photographer Glasgow Glasgow
Adding event photos like this one by Charlotte Cumming to physical marketing materials can make your brand appear more trustworthy and stand out in your industry.

Press releases are often text-heavy and can be overlooked by busy journalists — they get hundreds of emails from businesses trying to get coverage every day. Adding event photos can make your press releases stand out and more appealing.

A well-chosen professional event photo can tell a compelling story and show the excitement and significance of the event. If you can, limit the number of stories that you try to get coverage for and find an angle. If your team has taken part in a charity event (like the photo above), you’re more likely to catch a journalist’s attention.

Find a photographer for your next big event

Corporate & Event Photographer Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire
Hiring a professional event photographer means you can get high quality photos of your event like this one by Jonathan at Aniseed Photo.

Event photos are a fantastic tool for promoting your company. By creatively using event photos across your website and marketing, you can boost your visibility and engage your audience more effectively.

So if you’ve got an event coming up, don’t let those fantastic photos sit idle once you’ve swept up from the festivities. Put them to good use showcasing your brand’s personality and achievements.

And make sure you hire a professional event photographer for your event so that you get fantastic photos of all the fun. Take your time looking through different event photographers portfolios and find one that matches with your brand.

Good luck with your next event, hopefully we’ll see your photos online soon!
